Going Mental: Borderline Personality Disorder Enablers and Apologists – YouTube

Going Mental: Borderline Personality Disorder Enablers and Apologists – YouTube

A frank and open talk about Borderline personality Disorder and the current treatment climate. The industry appears to have some inclination to enable people who suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder to their cost, conceivably in order not to “Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs”.

On a more personal level I have seen a family enable the person who suffers from BPD for various reasons, some of which were their own Narcissistic supply or to trade in justification of behaviors, and others were to avoid the potential retribution which may be handed out by the persona suffering from BPD. This talk suggests that “The hard line” seems to be a viable tool for self preservation. The hard line in this case meaning that when the persona suffering from BPD is responding to their those emotions which have no basis in reality, be aware that the feelings are not based on something which has in reality occurred and personally respond to them on that basis. I can also tell you that in a lot of cases this is far more easily said than done.

Perhaps difficult to hear for various reasons, perhaps a little controversial but well worth listening to. Especially if you are living or in a relationship with somebody who suffers from BPD.

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