Articles and Handouts – BPD Central

Articles and Handouts – BPD Central

An interesting article


When I first read I Hate You Don’t Leave Me, it said what I needed to hear–I needed to know what I was up against, needed to have the seriousness emphasized. When the golden “overachiever” who *thinks* she can just let “everything roll off her back” ended up in the Psych ward three times and was immersed in a thrice weekly therapy she used to think was rubbish–the author’s blunt rhetoric and assessment was quite helpful to me. At least there was a *reason* why this was happening. I really *was* mentally ill–the book described many of my emotions and behaviors quite aptly. Dr. Kreisman pointed out a lot of stuff that was definitely present–a lot of feelings and motivations I had buried, hidden and denied, but deep down, always knew were there. Where his attitude differs from mine is how he assesses the possibility of real fundamental change. Perhaps having lived it myself, and seen it in others, I see the chances as being far more optimistic than he does. This is true of many therapists and those who write on the topic, not just Dr. Kreisman.

Source: Articles and Handouts – BPD Central

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